Artificial intelligence offers great opportunities formarketers to be more effective and personalized. This means customers getrelevant content that can be triggered by actions on a site, an ad, or abranded message. But AI doesn’t replace the roles and efforts of humans! It isa technology that complements and enhances those but it requires human skillsto use it effectively. AI Digital Marketing Tools While ChatGPT may be the mosttalked-about generative AI tool, there are so many more out there that arehelping marketers in their daily roles.
They can help marketers in a variety offunctions from content generation to automation to SEO and design. Here aresome of the most effective AI tools out there: Jasper A content generation andoptimization tool designed for augmenting content production Writer Ahighly-rated Find Your Mobile Number List content generation tool that can repurpose content and includes anAI writing assistant Midjourney .

Generative AI that can convert natural languageprompts into images marketingfunctions Zapier Helps automate workflows by connecting apps and services thatyour company uses Manychat Provides an interactive customer experience usingNLP to respond to customers on social platforms including WhatsApp Evolv.aiUses AI and machine learning algorithms to improve customer experiences inreal-time Surfer SEO A cloud-based on-page optimization tool that analyzes andcompares your pages against what currently ranks on the SERPs PerplexitySimilar to ChatGPT but more suitable for research as it uses web citations in aclearer way. A Guide to ChatGPT Prompting Download Examples of AI in DigitalMarketing The power of AI means it can be leveraged across many digitalchannels. Companies use it for social media campaigns, to automate tasks andprocesses, and for digital advertising.