The main reason that differentiates the two platforms is economic. Significantly higher income for streamers on Kick There are many streamers who have raised their voices against the economic conditions that Twitch offers them. The Amazon-owned platform pays creators a % of the profits it generates from subscribers and keeps the other half of the income. The difference with Kick is notable, which guarantees that the creator will receive % of the profits, with the streaming platform only receiving .
The disparity is substantial. The content creator JaredFPS detailed it on his Twitter, explaining that with subscribers on his channel he had achieved dollars of income, while on Kick, with the same number of subscribers, the figure rose to dollars. In addition, the payment Indonesia Phone Number formula is also different. to creators based on the income they have achieved in this period of time. For its part, Kick manages payments on the same day that streamers request their credit on the streaming platform.

Type of advertising The advertising policy of the platform owned by Amazon is much more restrictive than that of the newborn. Last October, Twitch announced that it was prohibiting the broadcasting of websites that were focused on gambling, showing roulette, dice and slot games and that lacked a license. However, a quick visit to Kick shows us that this type of advertising is very present on the platform.