Through storytelling, no matter how simple your product is, you can share a story that captivates and captivates recipients. Break the fourth wall : it is a very theatrical term but we mean that you dare to return part of the content to your audience. Have a good hook : The beginning of the video is essential because it will be what catches the audience. Whether they continue to see your content depends on it. A don't see it because the beginning bored you.
Don't leave aside the brand : there are many elements that must be present but your support is the brand. Don't forget to include something about your values, your mission, your philosophy, etc. BENEFITS OF VIDEO MARKETING It is worth explaining in detail the Chinese Overseas Europe Number Data advantages of video marketing since they are the result of the efforts of experts in digital marketing creation and have led large brands to carry out very successful campaigns.
Longer stay on the site : according to Forbes, 80% of people spend more time on a web page when there is a video. They may stop to look at the audio-visual material or do more research on the website about what they just saw. Tell a story : thanks to the excellent use of storytelling, the video presented is not only promotional, it can tell a story and have a background that connects with the recipients.