How else can Soft Errors Impact your Site? Nowadays, the importance of a great customer experience can’t be overstated. Increasingly, businesses are focusing more and more on ensuring a quality customer experience from start to finish. And they’re right to do so. State of Marketing Report TechJury has collated a list of customer experience statistics, which they describe as ‘eye-opening’ and we’d agree. “There is an % increase in revenue for businesses that focus on improving customer experience.” “% of customers agree that customer experience helps to drive their buying decision.”
of customers say that they are ready to pay more if it means getting a better customer experience.” Where do your soft errors come in? Well, it doesn’t take a genius to spot that you’re not providing a great customer experience if many of Canada WhatsApp Number Data your indexed links in the SERPS are Page Not Found. You don’t want your customers to disappear off to the competition because they can’t find what they need on your site. It’s not good for them, but it’s not good for your bottom line either. However, there is good news. You can find and zap your soft errors for a better experience all around.

How to Find Soft Errors If you don’t have Google Search Console, it’s time to sign up, connect your domain, and take a good look at the reports. It is free, so it’s going to cost you nothing but time. Once you’ve connected your website, go to Coverage in Google Search Console. You should then be able to see a list of your errors. If your s are listed as excluded, they aren’t being indexed. If they are listed as errors, then they are still being indexed.