Because simply, even if you try to reach the top 1 search position, your traffic from a keyword will rarely exceed 30% of the total search volume figure for that keyword. Because articles or websites that rank lower will still receive traffic from users with that same keyword. Finally, search volume is the average user searches by year. For example, if there were 120k keyword searches in December and no keywords in the remaining months, the monthly search volume would be 10k (120k/12 months) Keyword difficulty level To know how difficult a keyword is to rank for, look at its competition.
When researching keywords, you will find websites that are leading for this keyword. Your DB to Data next thing is to check the elements of that website, for example: The quantity (and quality) of the links linking to that website (backlinks) Domain Rating (DR) Content: how long has it been posted, usefulness, relevance and old/new information, etc. Main keywords, related keywords, synonyms, etc. that the website uses Whether that website is a famous website, such as vnexpress news website, it is difficult to compete. Cost per licper click In almost any keyword research tool, you can also find CPC or cost per click. These are indicators that indicate the cost for advertisers to spend on that keyword. Y

ou wonder what this has to do with SEO, right? It provides two significant benefits. First, you'll know how much advertisers are willing to pay per ad click for that keyword. It's helpful to know the value of a keyword so you can choose to create content about it.Click rate Search volume for each month. For example, the keyword “travel to Singapore” has a monthly search volume of 1,600 in Vietnam. There are three important things to note about this number: The first is the number of searches, not the number of people who searched. There are cases where someone searches for a keyword multiple times a month searches will add to search volume, even if it's the same person doing them. Search volume also doesn't tell you how much traffic you're getting from keyword rankings.