There are still quite a few people who understand SEO as a marketing mix that replaces or complements search advertising. These people are quick to say things like “We also did SEO while building the site” or “We added SEO tags.” Marketing should not be viewed as a sales campaign conducted only during a specific period, but as an operating system for communication activities across triple media that continues throughout the year. There are probably quite a few people who agree with this opinion. From this perspective, SEO can be viewed as a strategic marketing mix layer that is responsible for external distribution of content provided by the company's media in connection with the overall ATL/BTL/digital marketing mix . Most of the marketing mixes we commonly use have their own purpose: to change the various mind states of potential customers who are going through a long customer journey (persuading potential customers). In the digital first era, ATL/BTL/digital marketing mixes aim to encourage brands to have direct contact with consumers through various channels within the company's operating media.
While passing through the market funnel (customer journey), consumers want to receive answers to their questions at the time and through the channel of their choice. Therefore, it can be said that the role of SEO is to ensure that the content within the company's media can be provided as a Special Data direct answer to the calls of customers during their customer journey. The dozen or so items below illustrate how different marketing mixes should interact with the content of each channel within your media. #1 Initial Exploration Stage As the first step in the customer journey, consumers gain awareness of the product or brand they want to purchase. And in terms of search terms, it can be said to be the stage where non-brand keywords are located. 1. PR and promotional activities Through PR and promotional activities, which are representative marketing mixes in the initial exploration stage, companies promote their brand or products to consumers who have not yet started their purchasing journey. Media used for this purpose include blog post-type articles, news and press articles, and press releases. SEO optimization must be applied to web content distributed in this way.

This should also make your PR and promotional content easier to find for potential customers searching for related keywords. 2. Search advertising campaign Search advertising campaigns at this stage use non-branded keywords as bidding keywords. The key at this stage is to conduct bidding focusing on transactional or commercial non-brand keywords that show strong purchase intent among non-brand keywords. Even if people who encounter these ads do not immediately conduct a search, these search ads allow consumers to check out the product brand. Preparing for subsequent searches based on these product brand keywords is the key to your SEO strategy at this stage. #2 Browsing or Consider stage As the second stage of the customer journey, consumers search for detailed keywords that will be linked to the brand of the company or product they are considering purchasing at this stage.