“It’s impossible to earn money while on maternity leave”, “It’s impossible to earn money while spending all your time with your children”... Insta-moms are challenging the conventional wisdom of the past by spending time with their families and earning millions. Who is currently leading the maternal niche in the Russian-language market? What content should Insta-moms focus on? What prospects can they expect?
You will learn about all this and more by reading this article
Insta-motherhood as a phenomenon
The trend of motherhood on Instagram* has been around for a long time and has been gaining momentum. Some considered it immoral to post photos and videos of children online and not leave them the right to choose, while others, on the contrary, tried their best to capture the audience in order to establish themselves in the niche of Instagram* mothers. However, despite the efforts made, not every parent managed to firmly establish themselves in this niche. Some were caught insincerity, some in an excess of content, some gave up prematurely, some chose not to believe in such a way of earning money.
And yet, there are a number of bloggers who have achieved resounding success thanks to their children and the correct presentation of the material. These bloggers are called instamamas. They are the ones who earn for the bright future of their children without parting with them.
Recognition is difficult to measure. Recognition is, of course, a subjective assessment. After all, recognition is not always equal to the number of subscribers, the number of likes. That is why we will not give out places, but only emphasize how wide and diverse this, at first glance, narrowly wordpress web design agency focused niche is. No, these are not just photos of babies, not just the inscription “Happy mother of two/three children” in the profile description. This is creativity, simplicity and sincerity, combined with individuality and creative presentation.

Intrigued? Then let's move on to visual examples of the most recognizable Instagram* moms in the Russian-speaking market and learn a little more about them:
Family, business, harmony
Oksana Samoilova
It is quite difficult to find a Russian-speaking Instagram user* who has never heard of Oksana Samoylova. For many years, a wide audience has been watching the daily life of Dzhigan's chosen one and their children.
With an audience of 14 million, Oksana is not the most typical Instagram mom: in addition to raising four children, three daughters and a son, the girl is involved in running several brands at once.
The content of Oksana's Instagram profile is not limited to family life and entrepreneurship. The girl also regularly communicates with subscribers on abstract topics in the Q&A section, inspires her audience to lead a healthy lifestyle, and shares advice on skincare and decorative cosmetics.
Children and versatile self-realization
Elena Sazhina
Elena, known to the blogging world by her creative pseudonym, Helen Yes, also does not limit herself to blogging. She is not only one of the most popular Instagram moms*, but also realizes her potential as a TV presenter, actress, singer and writer.
Having started blogging only in 2016, immediately after the birth of twins, Alina and Milana, the girl has been steadily gaining an ever-growing audience on the social network, thanks to her Instagram page and participation in various projects. Elena has managed to host TV shows and programs, release several tracks, star in music videos for various artists, and also receive the InstaMam Award in the Mom Blogger category. Continuing her path to versatile self-realization, in 2018 Elena wrote a guidebook for young parents, Caring Mom VS Successful Woman. Rules for New Generation Moms.
At the moment, the number of Elena's subscribers has already exceeded 9 million, which means that very soon the girl will celebrate the round number of subscribers to her blog.