This concerns both the training of potential employees for IT vendors and future specialists in the construction industry. They all need to master Russian software products, which in a couple of years will take up the lion's share in design. This was discussed by participants of the conference "Best Practices of Information Modeling Technology in Russia", which took place on August 2-4 in Moscow.
“The IT solutions industry for construction in Russia is in a perfect storm: Western competitors have left, Russian developers are constantly receiving new investments, and competition between Russian companies has intensified,” is how Andrey Tyan, CEO of the Amethyst Capital fund, assesses the current situation.
According to the fund, digitalization can save 10% of the cost of construction projects
This means that funds can be freed up for content writing service other important social projects, the expert concluded.
Andrey Tyan also explained that one of the reasons for the active transition of construction companies to digital technologies is the minimization of risks: “In the future, an acute shortage of personnel is possible, caused by the demographic pit.”

According to Mikhail Viktorov, President of the National Association of Organizations in the Sphere of Information Modeling Technologies (NOTIM), today the digital world is very close to students: "Therefore, universities need to create not only digital departments, but also faculties. It is gratifying to see that the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) is following this path."
Today, NOTIM is working on the issue of issuing personal scholarships; a number of key companies – members of the association – are ready to support this initiative.
The conference included the seventh All-Russian competition "TEAM LEADERS 2022/23". It was decided to organize the TIM LEADERS Student League in 2022-2023 due to the active interest of university students in previous years. The initiator was NRU MGSU - the country's leading university in the field of digital competencies.
Rector of MGSU Pavel Akimov confirmed that today information modeling technologies (IMT) are a priority for young people: the top bachelor's degree specialization that current applicants apply for is IMT. Vice-Rector of the University Guzaliya Fazylzyanova, in turn, added that MGSU graduates not only have a broad base of theoretical knowledge, but also possess innovative practices. This explains their demand among domestic software vendors.
Our company has been present in educational institutions for many years, said conference participant and project manager of SiSoft Development Egor Bachurin: “We organize and conduct free courses, introduce students to our products, which are widespread among companies, at all stages of the educational process.” The company currently covers more than 50 universities throughout Russia.
Only large, stable companies can afford to work towards such a perspective, since it requires considerable investments, but they justify themselves, the expert noted.
“To ensure that students learn to work with domestic software from their first years, MGSU enters into agreements with the largest Russian vendors, within the framework of which students are provided with a package of educational programs, Olympiads, seminars and other events are held,” shared Olga Kuzina, head of the Department of Information Systems, Technologies and Automation in Construction at MGSU.