Tthe Target Gender Equality program , of the United Nations Global Compact for sustainable development, aimed at meeting the Gender Equality Objective for the period 2020-2021, especially to promote women's leadership in the business and economic sphere. . With this participation, the multinational will strengthen its contribution to the goal of the fifth UN Sustainable Development Goal, dedicated to equal opportunities and which requires the equal representation, participation and leadership of women in business worldwide; having the opportunity to belong to the small group of companies that will pool their work and experience to advance in terms of equal opportunities, exchanging knowledge, results and experiences.
As long as we do not have real participation of women, we are losing many opportunities.” Antonio Huertas highlighted during his speech at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit , that it is necessary to give more visibility to women's leadership so that they serve as an encouragement to younger employees and Guatemala Mobile Number List stressed that "men are part of the solution and we must push together." equity". In MAPFRE Mexico, 49% of the workforce is made up of women , compared to 55% of the global MAPFRE workforce, promoting female talent throughout the organizational structure in the nations in which it has a presence. In Mexico, this commitment is reflected in the Women's Leadership Network , which was created as a space for dialogue and action in which men and women participate together to break the gender gap, contributing to effective equality of opportunities for all.

The areas and levels of the company, reinforcing the message internally with conversations to inspire female leadership and empowerment; as well as participation in external forums to promote the company's message abroad. The network currently has the goal of developing the necessary means in terms of gender equality that will allow 45% of responsibility vacancies to be filled by female executives by 2021. This objective is part of the 2019-2021 sustainability plan, whose objective is to position the insurer as a benchmark company in transparency and trust, so that clients, employees and society in general identify it as a company committed to sustainable development and that shareholders and investors share their vision of value creation in the medium and long term.